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Epidemiological studies

National campaign for control of type II diabetes
In 2005, Tchaikapharma expanded the program for interdisciplinary innovations in medical practice and invested over BGN 800,000 to test more than 32,000 patients with type II diabetes, more than 40% of the type II diabetes patients on non-insulin treatment in Bulgaria.

Testing of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was a part of the big clinical picture. This major disease can be accurately diagnosed and treated thanks to the laboratory test measuring the average blood glucose concentration over long periods of time. Monitoring of HbA1c has been shown to reduce the risk of complications.

The findings showed that more than 50% of the patients did not have their HbA1c under control. Less than 30% of the patients were treated with the latest pharmacological molecules, which provide better glycemic control and fewer side effects. The data was reported by Professor Vladimir Hristov at the World Congress in Endocrinology in South Africa (2006).

In 2006, Tchaikapharma High Quality Medicines introduced two of the most advanced molecules, gliclazide and glimepiride, at much more affordable prices than the medicines offered by the originator companies.

In 2008, more than 60% of the patients were already receiving treatment, which undoubtedly led to a much better control over the disease.

Epidemiological study of heart failure in patients over 50
Heart failure is a widespread, socially significant, and difficult to diagnose disease. It affects the heart’s left ventricle – its performance is directly connected with the heart’s pumping function. Usually the decompensated function of the left ventricle is diagnosed by means of echocardiography but in the early stages of the disease this method is insufficient.

There is a laboratory test which successfully detects early stage heart failure, namely Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT pro-BNP). This test is not widely used in Bulgaria due to its high price and lack of government reimbursement. This is regrettable, since the NT pro-BNP test is a preventive tool and could save thousands of money for subsequent hospitalizations and treatment of complications.

Tchaikapharma High Quality Medicines wanted to contribute directly and decisively to the modernization and optimization of the medical practice in Bulgaria.

We invested in and organized a study using NT pro-BNP with 2,500 patients selected from all parts of the country. The study involved physical examinations, ECG, laboratory tests, echocardiography.

We found that 10% of the non-symptomatic patients had elevated NT pro-BNP and were in fact in the initial stages of HF without knowing it.

These patients needed treatment for their main disease – usually hypertension, but they also had to be prescribed a combination of medicines taking into account their risk of HF. One example of such a combination is ACE-inhibitor and beta blocker.

Immediately after obtaining the initial results of 500 patients, Tchaikapharma introduced the best available molecules of ACE-inhibitors and beta blockers at a truly affordable price – enalapril, lisinopril and carvedilol and nebivolol. The initial data was reported at the World Congress of Cardiology in Argentina (2008) by Professor Mladen Grigorov.